It seems like there’s a lot of talk lately about moms needing ways to pause and breathe through tension, anxiety, tough situations or burn out… a need for respite and peace. 

So we want this episode — Relief From the Anxiety of Right Now, to help us all take a deep breath and relax all the tension that’s been building up in our lives… we’d also like to provide you with a few tools we use ourselves to help in this area. Today we’ll discuss:

  • What’s bringing peace to our souls when anxiety is hanging heavy? 
  • What things are urging us Godward when we want to turn inward?
  • What practical things are helping our sanity, the impatience that grabs at us and anger levels that tend to creep higher and higher when we’re stressed and anxious?

We’ll answer those questions and more in this month’s episode. Listen in.

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