21: Am I Too Tied to My Expectations?

Change seems inevitable, doesn’t it? Seasons change. Weather changes. Our children grow and change. And as busy mamas, our schedules seem to be constantly shifting and changing. Like the saying goes, “The only thing that is constant is change.” As hard as we...

20: Relief From the Anxiety of Right Now

It seems like there’s a lot of talk lately about moms needing ways to pause and breathe through tension, anxiety, tough situations or burn out… a need for respite and peace.  So we want this episode — Relief From the Anxiety of Right Now, to help us all take a...

19: Learning to Live Sanctified

Thanks for joining us for Part 3 of our summer series here on the show! Today we’re talking about sanctification. Not a stay-cation. Glorification. Or personification. But the work God is doing in us and through us to make us more like His Son. Which brings us to the...

18: Learning to Live Selflessly

This month, we’re talking about learning to live selflessly.  The word selfless is sort of a tongue-twister… but it simply means the opposite of selfish.  Merriam Webster defines it as “having no concern for self.” That definition may send up some major red flags for...
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