by All the Mom Things | Apr 7, 2021 | Episodes
It’s hard to believe that almost two years has passed since our book, SHINY THINGS: Mothering on Purpose in a World of Distractions, made its way out into the world! In some ways it feels like yesterday … and in other ways, it feels like a lifetime ago. A lot has...
by All the Mom Things | Mar 3, 2021 | Episodes
Today we’re talking about REST. And after the frenzied, yet slowed down year we’ve all walked through, some of us moms are needing some serious rest. But we don’t always know what that means, what it could look like for us, and how in the world we could pull that off...
by All the Mom Things | Feb 3, 2021 | Episodes
We’re pretty sure we can all agree that as moms — well as humans for that matter — we like to see RESULTS. We forget that motherhood is more like a marathon … a long haul race. So today we’re going to talk about not just behavioral change, but the real, true...
by All the Mom Things | Jan 6, 2021 | Episodes
In this episode at the start of the year, we’re talking about list-making! The two of us LOVE lists. So if you want some ideas of how to track your life and make lists that bring life instead of shame and guilt, this episode is for you, friend! {If the player...
by All the Mom Things | Dec 2, 2020 | Episodes
Being a critic comes much easier for most of us than taking the time and the discipline to sift through hard things and find the good. Because it’s easy to see the negative, right? So as we come to the end of 2020 here, we thought we’d assemble our own list (not a...