4: All the People, All the Things

What and who will get the best of us? Our days and our calendars are jam-packed, filled to overflowing with all the things. How do we choose what we should do today, let alone tomorrow? What activities should we be involved in? Who should get our best efforts? If...

3: Important Things and Everything Else

What is most important to me? And why do I have a hard time keeping my focus on those things? Why is it so enticing to choose lesser things instead of lasting things? If you’re asking yourself some of these same questions, you’re in the right place. Listen...

2: Good Things, Wrong Timing

Today we’re talking about all those good things we could be involved in, and how sometimes we choose wrong times to be involved in them. Why am I so worn out all the time?How do I help people and serve God without crashing? If you’re asking yourself these...

1: Overcome the Overwhelm

Do you know a mom who is feeling a bit (or a whole bunch) overwhelmed in her current mothering season? Maybe that someone is a close friend. Or a neighbor. Or maybe that someone is you. If so, you’re not alone. We all go through times where life just feels like...

Introducing All the Mom Things

Wouldn’t it be great if we could focus on one thing each month that would help us mother from a place of strength instead of overwhelm? One thing we can remember when we don’t know what to do or where to turn? All the Mom Things hopes to deliver just that....
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